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Upon This Quiet Life

A blog about Shakespeare, Civil War history, baseball and maybe even a bit of quantum mechanics now and again

Upon This Quiet Life: Text

Next Up: Faire Em, The Millers Daughter of Manchester

First of all, the “Millers” isn’t a typo – apparently they didn’t do typos, at least in 1631 when the Second Quarto was published, so...

Yeah, Yeah, But Is It Shakespeare?

We conclude with the central question – did Shakespeare perpetrate this thing, either partially or in full? Well as we’ve noted...

In Which Edricus Keeps His Options Open

Another day, another sword fight. Open in Cnut’s camp. He’s showing off what a big ol’ stud he is, bragging about everything he’s going...

Ironside, the Most Credulous Man in the Kingdom

As Act V opens, Eddie Ironside strides on stage, and man oh man is he ever orey-eyed. Yeah, I hear you sayin’ “he’s wut?” Well, it turns...

Edricus, All Deserting Like a Boss

At the last possible moment, Edricus somehow manages to pay a quick visit to Canute to promise that everything’s a go – Ironside’s forces...

Edricus, Conferring With the Other Side Again

Meanwhile, Cnut has gotten himself a letter from Edricus. (For our younger readers, that’s what we older folks used to take paper and...

Who Are These People (Part 2)?

Enter Emma the Norman. Who? Well, not that we’ve been introduced yet, but apparently this is Daddy Unready’s comely Wife No. 2. She’s...

Edricus Springs His Clever Trap

As Act IV begins, Ironside – the King one, not the DA-in-the-wheelchair one – is handed the fawning letter from Edricus the Sleazebag. ...

Stitch Is Lording For All He’s Worth

Stitch is parading around the stage in Edricus’ Lording outfit, and he is most definitely not down with that whole Remember Where You...

At Last, We Get a Real Live Sword Fight

Cnut speaketh to his Herald and says goeth down to Troy, the home of Ironside, and go all “surrender, Dorothy” of ‘em before we whup them...

Act II, Scene 2 – Somebody Needs a Costume Change!

Now we have, well, a scene called “Killing Time” which was oh-so-subtly designed to give everybody time for a quick costume change and to...

Dost Thou Shaft Thy Soldiers, Sirrah?

As Scene 3 opens, Edmund Ironside is talking to General Alfric (I had a bad bout of General Alfric a few years ago . . . but I got better...

Upon This Quiet Life: Blog2


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