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Upon This Quiet Life

A blog about Shakespeare, Civil War history, baseball and maybe even a bit of quantum mechanics now and again

Upon This Quiet Life: Text

The Louisville Unions Win Again

From the Louisville Courier-Journal, May 18, 1908 The Louisville Unions defeated the strong Stars, of Columbus, Ind., by the score of 11...

To The Young Men of Oldham and Adjoining Counties

From the Louisville Daily Journal, September 14, 1861 The undersigned is authorized to raise in Oldham and adjoining counties a company...

The Stars Versus Louisville Unions.

From the Louisville Courier-Journal, May 17, 1908 The Stars, considered to be a strong team of colored ball players, will play the...

Bad Quarto, Naughty Quarto!!

It’s been said that three individuals have been the subject of more books than anyone else in history: Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln and...

Lieutenant Colonel Campbell Gets Married

From the Louisville Daily Courier, November 15, 1849 On the 13th Inst., by Rev. J. H. Linn, Mr. William P. Campbell to Mrs. Sarah J....

The Louisville Unions’ Upcoming Series

From the Louisville Courier-Journal, April 29, 1908 The Standard Giants, formerly known as the Rock City Unions, of Nashville, Tenn., a...

The Louisville Giants and Louisville Unions Win

From the Louisville Courier-Journal, April 27, 1908 Louisville Giants 8, Indianapolis White Sox 3 The Louisville Giants, colored,[1] one...

Lieutenant Colonel Halpin Runs for City Engineer

From the Cincinnati Enquirer, March 13, 1853 WILLIAM G. HALPIN, (PRESENT CITY SURVEYOR), is a candidate for the office of City Civil...

The Pope Guards Begin Recruiting

From The Louisville Journal, September 10, 1861 NEW COMPANY – Our artistic friend I. B. Webster has been authorized to raise a company...

The Louisville Journal Encourages Enlistments

From The Louisville Journal, September 10, 1861 We invite attention to the Military Call which we publish this morning from Messrs. Pope,...

Pop Lloyd Still Going Strong

From the Harrisburg Telegraph, April 30, 1925 Visiting Player Real Vet “Pop” Lloyd, second baseman for the Bacharach Giants, is probably...

Pop Lloyd On the Move?

From The New York Age, September 12, 1925 John Henry Lloyd May Manage Lincoln Giants Next Season An unconfirmed rumor has it that John...

What’s With the Blog Title?

I’ve been asked where the unusual title of this blog comes from. Well, when I decided I wanted to put together a website for my non-legal...

A Memorial Tribute to Colonel James Brown Forman

From the Louisville Daily Journal, January 30, 1863 THE LATE COLONEL FORMAN To the Editors of the Louisville Journal: January 26, 1863...

The Recruitment of the Fifteenth Kentucky Begins

From The Louisville Daily Journal, September 10, 1861 TO THE CITIZENS OF JEFFERSON, OLDHAM, HENRY, SPENCER, BULLITT, LARUE, NELSON,...

The Shakespeare Project - Enter Chorus

Enter Chorus.[1] Why Shakespeare? My Shakespeare project began in the aftermath of a health “challenge.” At the time, I’d written three...

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