From the Harrisburg Telegraph, April 30, 1925
Visiting Player Real Vet
“Pop” Lloyd, second baseman for the Bacharach Giants, is probably the oldest player on the infield of a first-class baseball team in the country. Lloyd’s playing yesterday would have been a credit to a major leaguer, although he is within a few years of the half-century mark. Batting in fifth position yesterday, he had a single and run in five times up. In the field he shone brilliantly, with five put-outs and three assists. He cut off almost sure hits for Harrisburg. His whip seems as strong as ever, and his experience has not been a setback to his method of play. Lloyd has appeared in Harrisburg games on a number of occasions, and he does not seem to be slipping a bit.
Image courtesy of Flickr by Lauren (no changes).