From the Louisville Courier-Journal, April 5, 1896 (interesting that they would print this notice in Louisville in 1896 . . . )
Richard II has been selected for production at the Shakespeare celebration performances at Stratford-on-Avon this season. A mutilated version of the piece was performed by Edmund Kean at Drury Lane in 1815 and was revived by him in 1822. Macready at the London Haymarket in 1850 restored to the stage Shakespeare’s version, and his example was followed by Charles Kean at the Princess’ in 1857. This was the last important revival of the play up to the present time. Edwin Booth played Richard II for a season in America, having made his first appearance in it at the Lyceum Theater, New York, December 4, 1877.
Image courtesy of Pixabay by Piro4D (no changes).